- 赵劼 / 老赵 / 赵姐夫 / Jeffrey Zhao
- 2011年前:互联网
- 2011年起:IBM / JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- 编程语言,代码质量,性能优化……
- 云计算,机器学习,大数据,AI……一窍不通
- 先评测,再优化
- 专注优化瓶颈
- 重视性能,保持性能导向思维
- 随时优化,持续优化
Donald Knuth: We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.
string Concat(string a, string b, string c, string d) {
return a + b + c + d;
string Concat(string a, string b, string c, string d) {
return new StringBuilder()
string Concat(int n, string a, string b, string c, string d) {
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
s = s + a + b + c + d;
return s;
string Concat(int n, string a, string b, string c, string d) {
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
return sb.ToString();
- 引用类型
- 分配在托管堆
- 受GC管理,影响GC性能
- 自带头数据(如类型信息)
- 值类型
- 分配在栈上,或为引用类型对象的一部分
- 分配在栈时不用显示回收
- 没有头数据(体积紧凑)
- 注意:分配位置(堆/栈)为实现细节
> !dumpheap -stat
MT Count TotalSize Class Name
000007fef5c1fca0 5 120 System.Object
> !dumpheap -mt 000007fef5c1fca0
Address MT Size
0000000002641408 000007fef5c1fca0 24
00000000026428a8 000007fef5c1fca0 24
0000000002642f48 000007fef5c1fca0 24
0000000002642f80 000007fef5c1fca0 24
0000000002645038 000007fef5c1fca0 24
- 优点:细节丰富,不含额外对象。
- 缺点:使用麻烦,不含对齐信息。
var currentBytes = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
var obj = new object(); // Or other types
var objSize = GC.GetTotalMemory(true) - currentBytes;
// Output:
// 12 in x86
// 24 in x64
- 优点:使用简单,包含对齐信息。
- 缺点:丢失细节,包含额外对象。
class Person {
private readonly long _id;
private readonly string _name;
class MyType1 {
int Field1; // addr+8, 4 bytes
} // 24 bytes
class MyType2 {
int Field1; // addr+8, 4 bytes
int Field2; // addr+12, 4 bytes
} // 24 bytes
class MyType3 {
int Field1; // addr+8, 4 bytes
string Field2; // addr+16, 8 bytes (alignment)
} // 32 bytes
new int[0]; // 24 bytes (8 header + 8 MT + 4 length + 4)
new int[9]; // 64 bytes (24 + 4 * 9 + 4)
new int[10]; // 64 bytes (24 + 4 * 10)
new int[11]; // 72 bytes (24 + 4 * 11 + 4)
new byte[8]; // 32 bytes (24 + 1 * 8)
new byte[9]; // 40 bytes (24 + 1 * 9 + 7)
new bool[1]; // 32 bytes (24 + 1 * 1 + 7)
new bool[2]; // 32 bytes (24 + 1 * 2 + 6)
new bool[8]; // 32 bytes (24 + 1 * 8)
new bool[9]; // 40 bytes (24 + 1 * 9 + 7). So bool = byte?
// Consider using BitArray
struct MyStruct {
bool Field1; // 1 bit
int Field2; // 4 bytes
bool Field3; // 1 bit
new MyStruct[3]; // 64 bytes (24 + X * 3) => X = 12?
> !do 0000000002682e38
MT Field Offset Type ... Name
... 400004a 8 System.Boolean ... Field1
... 400004b c System.Int32 ... Field2
... 400004c 10 System.Boolean ... Field3
struct MyStruct {
bool Field1; // 1 bit
int Field2; // 4 bytes
bool Field3; // 1 bit
new MyStruct[3]; // 48 bytes (24 + 8 * 3)
> !do 0000000002932e38
MT Field Offset Type ... Name
... 400004a c System.Boolean ... Field1
... 400004b 8 System.Int32 ... Field2
... 400004c d System.Boolean ... Field3
class MyItem { }
static IEnumerable<MyItem> GetItems() {
// ...
// Initialization
var allItems = GetItems().ToArray();
// Iteration
foreach (var item in allItems) {
// do something with item
class MyItem { MyItem Next; }
// Initialization
MyItem head = null;
foreach (var item in GetItems()) {
head = new Item { Next = head };
Reverse(head); // optional
// Iteration
for (var item = head; item != null; item = item.Next) {
// do something with item
- 节省内存(可忽略)、无大对象(重要)
- 指令少:少一层间接访问,无数组越界检查
- 布局紧凑:CPU缓存利用得当
abstract class InplaceLinkedListNode<T>
where T : InplaceLinkedListNode<T>
T Prev;
T Next;
} // or interface
class InplaceLinkedList<T>
where T : InplaceLinkedListNode<T> { }
class MyItem : InplaceLinkedListNode<MyItem> { }
abstract class InplaceBinaryTreeNode<T>
where T : InplaceBinaryTreeNode<T>
T Left;
T Right;
int Size;
} // or interface
class InplaceAvlTree<T>
where T : InplaceBinaryTreeNode<T> { }
class MyItem : InplaceBinaryTreeNode<MyItem> { }
Roslyn Team:
You might think that building a responsive .NET Framework app is all about algorithms, such as using quick sort instead of bubble sort, but that’s not the case. The biggest factor in building a responsive app is allocating memory, especially when your app is very large or processes large amounts of data.
GC in CLR vs. OpenJDK
- 缺点:配置选项少。
- Workstation GC vs. Server GC
- Concurrent GC (Why disable?)
- 优点:配置选项少,但对内存控制程度高。
- 与其调整参数,不如迎合GC编程
- 拥有更多避免内存分配的特性
- Gen 0:新对象,短期对象
- Gen 1:Gen 0和Gen 2之间的过渡
- Gen 2:老对象,长期对象
- 回收:扫描,清理,压缩
- 保存大于85K的对象
- 随着Gen 2回收而回收
- 回收:不压缩,容易产生碎片
// Force compact once
GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;
- Gen 0与Gen 1:频率高,速度快
- 大对象堆与Gen 2:频率低,速度慢
- 与已分配对象数量无关
- 避免少部分有用对象引用大量无用对象
- 减少老代对象指向新代对象的引用
- 避免内存分配
- 绝大部分垃圾回收由内存分配引起
- 其他原因:系统资源紧张、主动触发
- 停止垃圾回收
// Suppress Gen 2 collection (Workstation only)
GCSettings.LatencyMode = GCLatencyMode.LowLatency;
// Suppress full (non-concurrent) Gen 2.
GCSettings.LatencyMode = GCLatencyMode.SustainedLowLatency;
// ... No GC will happen here
// .NET 4.5.2-
var cpuCounter = new PerformanceCounter(
"% Processor Time",
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
void Print(int i) {
Console.WriteLine("i = " + i); // allocations?
void Print(int i) {
// String.Concat(object o1, object o2)
Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("i = ", i));
void Print(int i) {
// String.Concat(string s1, string s2)
Console.WriteLine("i = " + i.ToString()); // avoid boxing
enum Color { Red, Green, Yellow }
class Light {
public readonly Color Color;
public override int GetHashCode() {
return Color.GetHashCode(); // allocations?
class Light {
public override int GetHashCode() {
return ((int)Color).GetHashCode(); // avoid boxing
- 委托(Delegate)
- 匿名函数(Lambda表达式)
- 字符串操作
string Concat(int n, string a, string b, string c, string d) {
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
return sb.ToString();
string Concat(int n, string a, string b, string c, string d) {
var length = CalculateLength(n, a, b, c, d);
var sb = new StringBuilder(length);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
return sb.ToString();
static StringBuilder AcquireBuilder() {
var result = cachedStringBuilder; // [ThreadStatic]
if (result == null)
return new StringBuilder();
cachedStringBuilder = null;
return result;
static string GetStringAndReleaseBuilder(StringBuilder sb) {
var result = sb.ToString();
cachedStringBuilder = sb;
return result;
string Concat(int n, string a, string b, string c, string d) {
var sb = AcquireBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
return GetStringAndReleaseBuilder(sb);
- 例:StringBuilder,字节数组,对象数组…
- 线程专用,或线程安全栈
- 一次分配到位,避免LOH碎片
void DoSomethingNeedsTempArrayOfLength<T>(int n) {
var tempArray = new T[n];
// ...
abstract class Buffer<T> : IDisposable {
// array like operations
public abstract T this[int i] { get; set; }
void DoSomethingNeedsTempArrayOfLength<T>(int n) {
using (var tempBuffer = RequestBuffer<T>(n)) {
// ...
class StructBuffer<T> : Buffer {
private readonly T[] _array;
public override T this[int i] {
get { return _array[i]; }
set { _array[i] = value; }
class ClassBuffer<T> : Buffer {
private readonly object[] _array;
public override T this[int i] {
get { return (T)_array[i]; }
set { _array[i] = value; }
- 预分配,避免自适应分配,例如
- StringBuilder
- MemoryStream
- List
- 分配统一尺寸的对象,或
- 统一尺寸的整数倍
- 极短:分配后立即丢弃
- 不会被GC扫描到
- 不会被提升至Gen 2
- 极长:分配后永不丢弃
- 快速提升至Gen 2后永久保留,避免压缩
- 分配至LOH后永久保留,避免碎片
class Order {
public int OrderId { get; set; }
public string Side { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
// 200+ more fields ...
} // ~1.2KB
// 50000 instances max, ~60M
struct OrderData {
public int OrderId
public string Side
public double Price
// 200+ more fields ...
} // ~1.2KB
// ~60M
static OrderData[] AllOrderData = new OrderData[50000];
struct Order {
private readonly int _index;
public int OrderId {
get { return AllOrderData[_index].OrderId; }
set { AllOrderData[_index].OrderId = value; }
public string Side {
get { return AllOrderData[_index].Side; }
set { AllOrderData[_index].Side = value; }
} // zero in heap, 4 bytes in stack
- 优点
- 更少的对象
- 更短的GC扫描时间
- 永不涉及回收的对象
- 缺点
- 驻留内存较多
- 重用存储空间带来额外复杂度
var list = new LinkedList<int>();
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
// class LinkedListNode<int> {
// ... 16 bytes head ...
// Prev -> 8 bytes
// Next -> 8 bytes
// List -> 8 bytes
// Value -> 4 bytes
// ... 4 bytes alignment ...
// }
// 48 bytes node to save 4 bytes data
// nodes are everywhere in heap
class ArrayLinkedList<T> {
private Node[] _nodes;
public struct Node {
public T Value;
public int Next;
public int Prev;
// "index" is node
public int AddLast(T value) { }
// 12 bytes to save 4 bytes data
// nodes are kept closely (probably same cache line) in heap
class ArrayAvlTree<T> {
private Node[] _nodes;
public struct Node {
public T Value;
public int Left;
public int Right;
public int Size;
// "index" is node
public int Add(T value) { }
public class MyClass {
public void NormalMethod() { }
public virtual void VirtualMethod() { }
void CallNormal(MyClass c) {
void CallVirtual(MyClass c) {
void CallNormal(MyClass c) {
488bca mov rcx, rdx
3909 cmp [rcx], ecx ; null check
e8a2a4ffff call 00007ffe`80c47b40 (MyClass.NormalMethod())
void CallVirtual(MyClass c) {
488bca mov rcx, rdx
488b02 mov rax, [rdx] ; address of method table
488b4040 mov rax, [rax+0x40] ; address of methods
ff5020 call qword [rax+0x20] ; address of target method
static ICollection<T> CreateCollection(IEnumerable<T> items) {
return name.ToList();
Roslyn Team:
In Visual Studio and the new compilers, analysis shows that many of the dictionaries contained a single element or were empty. An empty Dictionary has ten fields and occupies 48 bytes on the heap on an x86 machine. Dictionaries are great when you need a mapping or associative data structure with constant time lookup. However, when you have only a few elements, you waste a lot of space by using a Dictionary.
static ICollection<string> CreateReadOnlyMemberNames(
HashSet<string> names) {
switch (names.Count) {
case 0:
return SpecializedCollections.EmptySet<string>();
case 1:
return SpecializedCollections.Singleton(names.First());
case 2~6:
return ImmutableArray.CreateRange(names);
return SpecializedCollections.ReadOnlySet(names);
return names.ToList();
FrugalList/Map in WPF
class FrugalListBase<T> { }
class SingleItemList<T> : FrugalListBase<T> { }
class ThreeItemList<T> : FrugalListBase<T> { }
class SixItemList<T> : FrugalListBase<T> { }
class ArrayItemList<T> : FrugalListBase<T> { }
class FrugalMapBase { }
class SingleObjectMap : FrugalMapBase { }
class ThreeObjectMap : FrugalMapBase { }
class SixObjectMap : FrugalMapBase { }
class ArrayObjectMap : FrugalMapBase { }
class SortedObjectMap : FrugalMapBase { }
class HashObjectMap : FrugalMapBase { }
class LargeSortedObjectMap : FrugalMapBase { }
class MyCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T> {
public struct MyEnumerator : IEnumerator<T> {
// ...
public MyEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
// ...
IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() {
return GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {
return GetEnumerator();
var coll = new MyCollection<int>();
// has allocations:
// 1. ((IEnumerable<int>)coll).Where(...)
// 2. anonymous method
foreach (var i in coll.Where(i => i > 0)) {
// Do something
// no allocation
foreach (var i in coll) {
if (i > 0) {
// Do something
class MyClass {}
private void Done(int i) {
// ...
public IDisposable DoSomething(int i) {
// ...
return Disposables.Create(() => Done(i));
// Has allocations
using (myClass.DoSomething(10)) {
// Do something
class MyClass {
public struct DoneToken : IDisposable {
private readonly MyClass _parent;
private readonly int _i;
public void Dispose() {
// no allocation
public DoneToken DoSomething(int i) {
// ...
return new DoneToken(this, i);
- ValueTask:轻量级Task
- ValueTuple:轻量级Tuple
- Span
:泛化版的String/ArraySegment - ref return:安全地返回一个地址
- readonly ref:按引用传递只读变量
无ref return
interface IMap<TKey, TValue> {
TValue Get(TKey key);
void Set(TKey key, TValue value);
void Increase(IMap<TKey, int> map, TKey key, int n) {
var value = map.Get(key);
map.Set(key, value + n);
ref return
interface IMap<TKey, TValue> {
ref TValue GetRef(TKey key);
void Increase(IMap<TKey, int> map, TKey key, int n) {
map.GetRef(key) += n;
- WinDBG
- PerfView
- 某商业化CPU Profiler
- 某商业化Memory Profiler
CLRRuntime runtime = ...;
GCHeap heap = runtime.GetHeap();
foreach (ulong obj in heap.EnumerateObjects()) {
GCHeapType type = heap.GetObjectType(obj);
if (type == null) // heap corruption
ulong size = type.GetSize(obj);
"{0,12:X} {1,8:n0} {2,1:n0} {3}",
obj, size, heap.GetObjectGeneration(obj), type.Name);
- 兵来将挡,水来土掩
- 了解内存布局
- 迎合GC编程
- 编写不通用代码
- 善用工具